Weekly Horoscope Predictions 28 June To July 4 2020 All Zodiac Signs

We humans are inquisitive by nature. We are always eager to know what future holds in store for us. It is this curiosity which made us use the system of astrology. To know about your future for the week ahead we bring you weekly horoscope June 28 to July 4, 2020 all zodiac signs.

Weekly Horoscope Predictions 28 June To July 4 2020 All Zodiac Signs

The important transit of this week is that the planet Jupiter will retrograde back from Capricorn into its own sign, Sagittarius on 30th June, 2020. This retrograde motion of Jupiter will end on 20th November 2020.

Aries Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020 

With the transit of Jupiter into Sagittarius, the some aspects of the life of Aries native will begin to improve.

There would be some amount of travel for some natives which will, however, give limited fruits.

Work would keep you quite engaged but you may not feel satisfied until the end of this week.

Your seniors might become hard task master while chasing the targets. Try to have a good discussion with your seniors and suggest a smart plan to complete the targets rather than just working hard.

Overall, the circumstances will also demand a great deal of hard work from you and your juniors, this week.

Money matters will be tough and you should not look forward to easy flow of money.
The family atmosphere would be usual but no signs of improvement in harmony among the members. Such atmosphere may have a negative effect on the children, who would tend to be   disobedient. 

Thus as a parent, pay special attention to them.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020   

This will be the beginning of a better period for most of you. You will begin to see improvements in most of the aspects of your life in the times to come.

But do not offend some people with your style working.

Some of the natives may also face work related challenges, but they can be temporary.

Income may be average, while you may have to spend more on health related things or there may be medical expenses.

Business persons will carry on their business activities as usual. Now you may need to work hard, but you cannot expect big gains immediately. Still, you should not give up.

This week will be a good time for the Taurus borns to improve  the bonding and affection in the family life.

There will be a progress in resolving some of the issues of the past.

With regard to your relations and love life, you can look forward to happier days now. There will be a bonding and happiness with your partner.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

This is the right time to take stock of your mental and physical capacities; assess your financial assets and liabilities. This assessment will help you to plan for a smooth future – both long term and short term.

Also stop doing the things that challenge your health and making changes that will enhance your well-being.

This is not the time for making drastic changes!

Your challenge this week is about keeping your ego under check otherwise you would be left with no friends and well wishers. Misunderstandings, delays, and poorly functioning equipment can be at the core of your frustration.

Love is somewhat complicated this month. Firstly because the lord of the house Venus is in the 12th house and in own sign. So there is love but your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde until the 12th.

So both of you are not very clear in your minds about your relationship and how to connect with each other.

Home and family will need a little extra attention from you.

Relationships with siblings may be subjected to philosophical differences during this period.
Do not allow yourself to become stressed if you have a serious difference of opinion with an elder member of the family. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

This week brings good news for you if you have been involved in some litigation. The proceedings are likely to be in your favour. If it is a final verdict, it would be good but as good as you had expected it to be.

Those in the legal and medical profession or related profession will make substantial gains during this period.

For all Gemini natives there are a few messages from the stars. You are being advised, be a little concerned about your relations with your siblings and neighbors. This could go bad due to your not so polite communication. You are likely to use some sharp words which might hurt their feelings or make them angry.

The health of a family member may cause concern.

New sources of income shall be explored by some of the natives.

Leo Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

Promising times are predicted for the Leo-born this week.

If you are a creatively inclined person, you may rather get extra innovative around this time. 
So keep noting down your ideas which you think can bring you benefits and work on those.

Overall for the Leo natives, things done with proper planning and application would give you more beneficial results compared to just doing routine work.

Also there can be benefits from expected and unexpected sources. If you are smart in encashing the opportunities presented to you, your financial status is likely to improve.

So grab the opportunities presented to you with both the hands.

The career as well the education will be smooth.

Family relationships will be wonderful this week. Marital harmony can be improved through good communication with your spouse.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

You are likely to get moderate and somewhat mixed results this week. Of course, there will be good flow of money and the business persons may book good profits.

However, the work life or the work environment may not be on the expected lines. There can be unexpected twists and turns in your career.

It would be good idea to aim at efficient performance in job-front. Giving proper attention to work and also acting with self-confidence may help to improve the quality of your work.
But still, don’t think that your job is permanent and the employment is safe.

Do not get involved into any debate or arguments at your work place or matters relating to your work.

Take care of the health of your father.

Love-life may experience both dull and bright moments alternatively. There are still possibilities of some love affairs ending successfully as marriages. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

There are different types of planetary influences on the Libra horoscope. Good or not good – they are almost in equal strength. 

Therefore, you would be busy looking after various aspects at the same time such as Self-interest and the welfare of others. Also you have to strike a balance between work and personal life.

In the matters of money and income, some of you would be quite lucky.

Also you may experience advancement in career. Especially the business persons may have to put in hard work and sustained efforts to earn profits. 

You may have to handle love matters with care, while the bond between spouses may not also be very good at this time.  

Your health may be just average, and hence, it is ideal that you take due precautions.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

The weekly chart of the Scorpio natives predicts that you have to seek the cooperation of others to reach your goals. Hence this period could be called a period of collaborations and conciliations. Of course, due to the position of Mars it would not be easy for you as you might like to assert yourself.

Jupiter is likely to take you on the path of spiritual enlightenment, financial prosperity, and good health. 

Only for a few Scorpio natives, there are some indications of overseas trips and a cheerful disposition for most of the natives. 

The forthcoming changes in the position of planets are going to be beneficial for the welfare of the students.

In the matters of love, Scorpio natives will be highly passionate. 

Regarding health matters, please be careful and do not consume any unclean, unhealthy or stale food. 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

The energy of Mars should be used by you to take some bold steps. You may like to courageously clarify your stand to the people who have been opposing you.  

You may also take some bold steps to bring some positive changes in yourself. You will also have an urge to improve your lifestyle.

Some of you may become more ambitious and develop good qualities of leadership.
In the long run, Jupiter will also help you to focus on qualities like spirituality and kindness. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

The transit of planets predicts beginning of important changes in your life. These changes could be in your personality, your body and your spending habits.

Some of the Capricorn natives may all of a sudden become disorganized while some may splurge money.

Being a Capricorn, these changes may not suit your personality as they are against your basic nature. 

Make serious efforts to avoid these negative habits. 

Love life and social relationships will also see some changes. For example, the chemistry between you and your love partner may be disturbed a little but you can overcome that with some patience.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

Due to the influence of Jupiter, tough situations will begin to ease and future will bring about good transformations in your career and money matters. 

Aquarius natives will feel empowered and they will have less difficulty in solving the problems.

For example, if you are not happy with your job or business or earnings, you will change to a better set of circumstances. 

The love life may improve due to change in your perception but the family life may remain the way it is.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 28 June 2020 To 4 July 2020

The transit of planets during this week predicts it is going to be a beneficial period for you. Your influence in professional and social circles will improve. You will be able to identify the right friends and contacts who can help you in time of need.

So that you can get rid of useless friendships and replace them with useful contacts.

The planets will also give you favorable opportunities in the matters of love relationships, stock market investments and bring more pleasure and enjoyment in your life. 

For the singles, it could be a helpful period for creating new love partnerships. 

If you think you have worked very hard in the last few weeks, you can delegate your work and take a short break also.

This is the right time to enjoy life.

Video: Weekly Horoscope Predictions June 28 To July 4 2020 All Zodiac Signs

Weekly Horoscope Predictions 28 June To July 4 2020 All Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope Predictions 28 June To July 4 2020 All Zodiac Signs Reviewed by Astrologer Sundeep Katarria Wellness Coach, Management Consultant, Writer, Blogger, Digital Marketing Expert on June 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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