Weekly Horoscope Predictions 26 July To August 1 2020 All Zodiac Signs

In this article we are going to discuss these aspects for each of the 12 zodiac signs for the period July 26 to August 1, 2020.

Weekly Horoscope Predictions 26 July To August 1, 2020 All Zodiac Signs

Now let us begin with Aries horoscope

Aries Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

The period will remain good for the natives of Aries Moon sign right from the beginning of the week. But it is not that the whole week will be easy for you. Some Aries born may also face some challenges. At such times, you should use your intelligence and skills properly. That’ll help you to get over the problems faster.

This is not the right time to start a new business. This is because there are possibilities of delays, hindrances work, and doing the same work twice. 

Some Aries natives may have to make one or more than one trip. However, do not expect much profit from traveling at this time.

Improvement in your capabilities and your performance is almost certain. Existing businessmen will be excited about the business progress. If you have a job, your seniors will be very impressed by your hard work.

Regarding monetary aspects, the Aries natives are expected to be in a strong position. Some natives are going to get money through their life partner or business partner.

The Aries natives will enjoy romance in married life.

You will need to take precautions regarding health, but not from any disease. Rather it is to guard against the possibility of any accident. For example, drive carefully and cross the road carefully. If you work in a factory or are go at a construction site, wear a helmet and other protective gear, to avoid injury.

Improvement in your health can be seen, if you are suffering from any chronic problem.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

For the people with their Moon in Taurus sign, this week is going to be very good. This is an indication by the planets in transit. In the various aspects of your life such as employment, education, marriage or love affair and health, you will get success and ultimate happiness.

People of Taurus sign have to be careful about their wealth. Guard against someone with evil design trying to harm your investments in property or your savings by making a fool of you.

Your business partners and associates will support you fully. If you are going to start any new business project or new business activity, then this time will be suitable. You can start this week.

Whether you are a self employed professional, in a job or you are a student, your mind will be very sharp at this time. Therefore, whatever intellectual work you have to do, it should be dealt with early, and rather at the beginning of the week. I am saying this because you will have a lot of positive energy at this time.

During this time, the combination for travel is being formed and some people can undertake travelling in connection with their work or regarding some religious matters. However, this journey will not be very pleasant or fruitful.

In family matters, due to a little estrangement with members of the household, mutual love may fall. Similar situations may arise at work also. Maybe some old issues can come up again and because of that there will be a tense atmosphere in the office.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

People of Gemini zodiac sign will are expected to receive a lot of respect in the field this week. Also you will make good progress in your professional field. There can be many factors for this and during this time you have to keep all those factors before you to take full advantage of them.

First of all, there will be a very good atmosphere in your house. Because of which your mind will be calm, happy and you will be able to contribute a lot in your professional field.

Second, you will get full support of your business partner and life partner. They will probably work a lot more than you, which will also benefit you.

Third, at this time both your physical energy and mental energy will be very good and you can make a very positive contribution, for your progress and get appreciation in your field of work.

According to the Gemini horoscope, you will now reach new highs in your career. But you will not get all these achievements and successes just like that. You may have to face some obstacles and problems from time to time and you will need to overcome them. You are already ready for this and you have a positive attitude.

You will experience intimacy in married life. The people of Gemini sign who are in relationship will also enjoy this time.

During this time you will need to pay more attention to your father's health.

If you have any knee problem, then you need to be careful about it.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

This week has brought forward a very favorable combination of planets for the natives of Cancer zodiac sign. Success and prosperity in your life is certain if you identify good opportunities and work wholeheartedly, with full understanding and intelligence.

Whatever your field of work, you will get the benefit whether you are a businessman, self employed or in job. Business persons will be especially very happy this week. 

This time will also be very good for people associated with politics. But you will need to be very careful with your competitors as well as you enemies. Along with this, you need to focus on your goals.

Those people of Cancer zodiac sign, whose source of income is from land or property, this week you will benefit a lot. Natives in the transport or automobiles business will also find this time to be profitable.

If you have taken a loan during, then try to return it as soon as possible. This is because your lendors, such as banks, etc., may increase the rate of interest. This can cause a slight mess in your budget.

Talking about the love relationship, there is a possibility that you will feel lack of excitement in love life.

Leo Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

The Leo natives are likely to remain a bit disturbed this week. One of the probable reasons for this may be that your expenses could go out of your budget. But you do not have to worry much for this. If you are going to incur expenses, there are also good promises for financial gains. If you manage your affairs a little, your income will be more than the outflow of money.

This will be a very promising time when many Leo natives will display their leadership qualities. At your work, you are more likely to see some growth with the help of female colleagues or female clients.

While on one hand you will demonstrate good leadership qualities, on the other hand you may also feel lethargic and tired and your body may need some rest. Therefore, it would be prudent to maintain a balance between work and rest. Do not exert yourself too much at the same time don’t think of taking week long break.

At this time, the Leo natives may want to acquire new skills or the students may want to catch up on a lot of subjects, then definitely take advantage of this opportunity. This is because at this time Goddess of wisdom is supporting you. Around this time your mind will be very sharp. Dont believe me, try it out.

Do not expect quick decisions if there are any legal issues. The matters will take time.

This will be one of those periods when you do not depend on your luck, you will have to work on your work. Therefore, don’t hesitate to work hard and use your intelligence. Only then you will get good success.

Quite a few of the Leo natives may have some religious or spiritual bent of mind at this time.  

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

The transit of planets this week is giving auspicious signs for the Virgo natives. Many Virgo natives are likely to be financially benefited and due to this you will be in a good mood and your motivation level will be high. You will be able to win over your enemies and competitors.

There will be favorable circumstances for you - whether you are employed, in business or self employed,. Senior officers can be very happy with you.

In career and in other areas of life, Virgos are expected to move forward during this period if you plan well and act smartly. Whatever you do, you must plan well in advance. This will give you a lot of benefit in future too.  

Libra Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

The negative thing that can happen this week with some Libra natives is that your business partner or business associate may be cheating on you or he may join your competitors. So if you feel that your business partner has been behaving in a strange way lately, then you should get alert immediately. You should also try to find out if they are working against you, is passing some benefits to your competitors or is planning any legal action against you.

During this time, the atmosphere at home may remain a little bit serious. It is possible that some family members, especially your mother's health, may not be in good. Health of your spouse will also need to be watched over. Therefore, you should be ready to give time and pay attention to the family.

The planets indicate that no matter what the circumstances may be - good or bad, you should always speak sweet and soft. Be good to everyone. In case you speak rudely to someone due to bad mood you may have to suffer later.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

While on one side you will have good inflow of money, on the other side there will be a challenge to keep that money safe. Scorpio natives will need to protect theirr money from people with bad intentions.

During this time you may be in a mood to take on those opposing you. You can rather use this energy in a positive way and keep yourself safe, protect your money, protect your family and execute your plans. 

If you are self employed or a business person, then you should keep moving forward in your career with courage and positive attitude. This will get you good success in the coming times and leave your competitors far behind.

You will perform brilliantly in your work. You just have to keep in mind that you should not be aggressive in any way, but use that energy positively. At this time you will have great ideas. So whatever thoughts come to you, you should note them down. You have to assess these ideas well and see which idea you can convert into a business activity. If you get a great idea, then you should not wait and start working on it. This is because the stars are indicating that luck will support you this time.

The relationship of Scorpio married couples will be very sweet.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

Sagittarius natives may get good number of excellent opportunities this week. If you have been working well in your job, you may now get respect or you may be given more responsibility. If you have been waiting for a special opportunity for a long time, then you can get that opportunity at this time.

Sagittarius natives whose job involves intellectual work like writing books, coding, information technology, consultancy etc. this time they may feel restlessness or have insomnia due to which you will not feel like working. 

If this is the case, you should take a rest for one or two days or engage yourself in some other work. When you feel recharged, you should go back to your work.

Most of you will have good interaction with your colleagues in the office. Your colleagues will also give you good respect and extend full cooperation.

Talking about the family, the atmosphere at home is expected to be sensitive. On the slightest provocation the family members can get angry and the mattes can flare up. Therefore, you should try not to get involved in such matters at this time.

Sagittarius born will have to understand the feelings of their spouse at this time because they might very much need your emotional support at this time.

During this time, you will have to take great care of your mother's health as well and also ensure that she does not get hurt.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

This week, your hard work can give you good results. This week has brought some good news for you. Firstly, if you are associated with the art or creative field, such as, painting, photography, etc. then surely you will get great opportunities at this time.

The second news is that now you do not need to worry about your child because your child will definitely perform well in life.

The third news is that now your confusion or doubts about your job are going to be over.

If you are a big industrialist, then some member of your team may fall off their way and start thinking something wrong. So you have to manage your team members.

If you are a business person, it is possible that your business partner or associates may break up with you, that is, break business relation. Therefore, you should be prepared in advance for such a situation.

Some of the Capricorn natives who like to invest in the share market may get some good benefits at this time. But take care not to get into speculation or betting at all.

Good period for Capricorn natives who are in a relationship, this week is expected to be very good for them.

Some natives may have differences of opinion with their spouse. Therefore, it is advisable for you not to speak any bitter words to each other otherwise that may cause a rift in your relationship.

There is a possibility that your spouse's inclination towards spirituality will be increased at this time.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

At the beginning of the week, there is a possibility that some of the natives may be feeling depressed or having some serious concerns about certain matters. This may make you upset. So to counter that, let me share with you some good news.

According to the indication of planets in transit, in legal matters your side will be stronger.

During this period, business persons can expect very good profit. But you will not get this profit in one go. Money will come to you slowly and in parts, but the business activities will be profitable for you.

Business persons can leave their competitors far behind if they work on a well thought out strategy. In the same way, the jobless Aquarius natives can also get ahead of their competitors.

At this time, you will keep an eye on your goals and not allow yourself to deviate. This will give you a lot of benefits in the future.

Do not interfere in the matters of others. Rather put your energy and time in your work and mind your business

This week you can enjoy cosy and romantic moments, if you are in love. If you have been in a relationship for a long time, you can also propose to your lover.

Overall, you will only see improvements in your conditions at this time. The planets are in favorable position now, therefore, you just have to keep moving forward. Whatever work you do, try to complete it using your skills and intelligence.

You need to be very careful about your health at this time. Like I said earlier, look at the good and bad possibilities at this time, but do not worry at this time.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 26 July 2020 To 1 August 2020

Looking at the transit of planets over the Pisces horoscope, it can be said that this week has brought some good and some new messages for you.

During this time, your circle of influence will increase in your professional field. You may also be given some new responsibilities. You will do well to accept these responsibilities. At the same time you also have to be careful of those people who are working against you, making plans against you or are jealous of your progress. It will be a good idea if you do not share your future plans with other people about.

At this time you can progress only when you work on properly made plans and strategies. By doing this, you improve your chances of success. Overall, this time will be favorable for you - whether you are a professional, self employed, or a business person. 
During this time, you should also plan for your future.

It is quite possible that this week Tuesday and Wednesday may not go well with you. So you should be ready for those tough or tricky moments in advance.

During this time, you should also control your anger and do not get angry while talking with anyone. Let you say or do something, which you may have to regret later.

You should keep the documents of your property and vehicles safe. You should also take good care of the security system of your vehicle so that no thief can cause a harm to you.

Be a little aware of your food intake and health. Some natives may complain of stomach ache, acidity or indigestion at this time. So take nutritious food and keep away from spicy or oily food.

Pisces Students can perform well at this time, so take full advantage of this favorable period, rather than whiling away your time.

Video #1 : Weekly Horoscope Predictions 26 July to 1 August 2020 for 6 Zodiac Signs Part 1

Weekly Horoscope Predictions 26 July To August 1 2020 All Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope Predictions 26 July To August 1 2020 All Zodiac Signs Reviewed by Astrologer Sundeep Katarria Wellness Coach, Management Consultant, Writer, Blogger, Digital Marketing Expert on July 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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